Friday, July 17, 2009

Of being a full time student

So here I sit on my day off, still at the library. I decided for some reason that it wasn't hard enough for me to minor in Soc, major in Political Science and then add a major in Women's Studies without also taking on an honor's thesis so that I could gradutate with an honor's diploma.

I have really big dreams and unfortunately in our society you also have deep pockets, a trust fund or have to give up sleep in order to gain the credentials necessary for admission to a top ten law school. I really do love school though, as much as I complain about the work. I love the thrill of writing a paper, of trying to think outside the box so that my paper stands out. I do love chasing that A.

So now I am trying to start work on my honors thesis so that I can graduate with two degrees, a minor, a summer of service learning at a women's shelter and an undergraduate thesis. We'll see how it goes. A short update today since I should be researching.

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